09/10 Cheer Calendar

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Happy Spring Break.

Our freshmen team would like to welcome new head coach, Kelsey Rauh. Please contact the athletic department for any and all questions regarding the 2016-2017 squads.

Thank you! Good luck next season.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Changes 11.2.2015

Hi Cheers! 

Now that the season  is over I hope you are continuing to work on your skills. Please remember that all outstanding balances are due January 5th, the Tuesday we get back from winter break. You also have a deadline of this Friday, December 4th for a payment. Some of you did not pay last month so it is imperative you meet the deadlines. 

On another note, I have accepted a different job where I can work from home continuing to build my portfolio in the field I went to school for. This new adventure will begin Wednesday December 9th. My last day in the main office at CT is Tuesday December 8th. I will continue to coach and be a part of the program but will no longer be in building. 

Please continue to use me as a resource. Call. Email. Text. Let me know how I can play an active role in your academics and athletics. I am happy to do anything for you girls. 

Hope you enjoy the holidays. We all have a lot to be thankful for!

--Coach MJ

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Banquet RSVP by 11.10.15

Parents, this will be handed out in practice so you don't have to print it off. Please complete and have your cheer return ASAP, no later than 11.10.15. This will ensure I am ordering enough to feed everyone. Please note that the cheer has been paid for. You are only paying for additional guests beyond your athlete. Thanks. 

You are invited to
The Freshmen/Sophomore Banquet
To honor our Inaugural Team

When: Tuesday, November 17, 2015
6:00pm- 7:30pm
Where: CTHS Cafeteria

Please wear semi-casual or business casual attire. We will serve a full dinner and desert catered by Olive Garden.

Complete the form below and return to Coach Mary Jo Brown NO LATER THAN Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Attach payment as cash or check (made payable to CTHS). The cost per guest will be $15.00. Do not include athlete when totaling payment.

Athlete Name: __________________________________________________
Will Attend 
            ___________ x $15 = ______________ (total amount attached)
            (Number of guests,
excluding athlete)
Will NOT attend

More Exhibition information

This will be printed and handed out to the team today (11.4.15) but I wanted to make sure you knew all the info that I know. If teams are to report between 4 and 5:30, I think that for nerves sake, it would be better to meet at 4:00. That way we can snack, stretch and run through counts before watching JV perform. The last thing I want to do is make everyone more nervous because we are running late. We will then go prepare for our warm up and performance. We will stay and watch Varsity perform. I would like for girls to stay for awards for support. We may be recognized, too, but I am not sure as we aren't competing for a score. Below is another reminder of the schedule.

Centennial League Cheer Championships 2015

Coaches notes:

1. Competitors and coaches should park in the South parking lot (Front Parking Lot closest to the theater and main entrance).  You will then proceed through the main door entrance to check-in. NO spectators will be able to enter through this entrance, only teams. Teams can start checking in at 4:00pm. All teams should check-in by 5:30pm. It is very important that only teams check-in here and follow the signs to registration.

2. Doors for spectators will open at 5:00pm. Please let all spectators know that if they arrive before 5:00pm they will have to wait outside! The cost for entry is $5 for adults and $3 for students.

3. Coaches must check-in at the team table where they will receive coaches’ passes, general information, and schedule. Please do not check-in until your entire team has arrived. A volunteer will then escort your team to their classroom. Family and friends are not allowed upstairs or in the team rooms at any time.

4. The competition will begin at 6:00pm and conclude with awards at 7:20.  JV Teams will face the student side of seating and Varsity will face the normal parent seating for games. Exhibition teams – please look on the attached time schedule to see which way you will be facing.

5. If the varsity team would like to watch their JV team compete they will need to wait outside the gym until their school’s performance. For that performance only they can sit on the floor by the spectator side at the conclusion of the performance they will need to return to their classrooms. The same rules will apply for JV teams watching their Varsity team.

6. At the conclusion of each division (JV & Varsity) teams should meet immediately in the Auxiliary Gym to line-up in order of performance and enter main gym for awards. A judge will meet coaches in the West Gym to review penalty sheets. These will be given to make coaches aware of any possible penalties given.

7. First through third place will be recognized in both divisions.

8. After the awards have been awarded for each division, a judge or tabulator will handout judges sheets and division summaries. Please come to the tabulation table to pick-up your score sheets.

9.  All teams should bring their personal items from the classroom down to the West Gym at 7:00 to line up for the parade of athletes and awards.  Please clean up your classroom area and return desks to original positions before you leave for awards.

NOVEMBER 11, 2015

Warm up                              Perform. Time          School                       Level/Sport

5:25/5:30                               6:03                            Grandview              V Cheers
5:30/5:35                               6:07                            Cherokee Trail         JV Cheers
5:35/5:40                               6:11                            Mullen                       V Cheers
5:40/5:45                               6:15                            Eaglecrest                JV Cheers                                                                                                                                               5:45/5:50                         6:19                            Cherry Creek           V Cheers
           5:50/5:55                               6:23                            *Exhibition-CT          F Cheers
5:55/6:00                               6:27                            Overland                  V Cheers
6:00/6:05                               6:31                            Arapahoe                JV Cheers
6:05/6:10                               6:35                            Eaglecrest                V Cheers
6:10/6:15                               6:39                            Grandview              JV Cheers
6:15/6:20                               6:43                            Cherokee Trail         V Cheers     
6:20/6:25                               6:47                            *Exhibition-EHS        F Cheers
6:25/6:30                               6:51                            Arapahoe                V Cheers
6:30/6:35                               6:55                            Cherry Creek           JV Cheers
6:35/6:40                               6:59                            Smoky Hill                  V Cheers     
6:40/6:45                               7:03                            *Spartans                 Exhibition
7:15                            AWARDS

Thursday, October 22, 2015

remaining schedule

From now on, all practices are REQUIRED if you want to compete. This is not negotiable unless you are vomiting or diarrhea. All appointments must be rescheduled around this. We cannot fully prepare for a large performance missing people. This schedule is not negotiable as we have had to work very hard working with several other sports for this gym time. WE ARE LUCKY TO HAVE GYM TIME so please be flexible with me and sense the urgency in the attendance.

Friday 10.23.15 5:30-6:30. Is the last tumbling practice at UE. We will be wearing black shorts. White shirt. Doing full routine run through. FORMS ARE DUE! PAYMENT IS DUE!

11/2/15, 5-8PM practice with JV, wearing grey shorts and blue shirt.
11/3/15, 3:30-5:00PM with Varsity wearing burgundy shirt and white shorts
11/7/15, 7-9AM practice without another team. Black shorts. White shirt.
11/9/15, 5-8PM with JV wear blue shirt, white shorts
11/10/15, 6-8PM with JV, wear burgundy shirt and blue shorts.
11/11/15, 5-9PM. We will stretch and meet in a classroom. Then do an official warm up at 5:45. We perform at 6:23PM.

11/17/15, 6-7:30, End of season banquet in the cafeteria. All athletes and coaches are paid for. There is a cost for family and friends as I will be catering dinner.  If you have a balance at this time, another payment is due. 

Thank you all. We can get through this season with a great accomplishment. I am already so proud of you.