09/10 Cheer Calendar

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Changes 11.2.2015

Hi Cheers! 

Now that the season  is over I hope you are continuing to work on your skills. Please remember that all outstanding balances are due January 5th, the Tuesday we get back from winter break. You also have a deadline of this Friday, December 4th for a payment. Some of you did not pay last month so it is imperative you meet the deadlines. 

On another note, I have accepted a different job where I can work from home continuing to build my portfolio in the field I went to school for. This new adventure will begin Wednesday December 9th. My last day in the main office at CT is Tuesday December 8th. I will continue to coach and be a part of the program but will no longer be in building. 

Please continue to use me as a resource. Call. Email. Text. Let me know how I can play an active role in your academics and athletics. I am happy to do anything for you girls. 

Hope you enjoy the holidays. We all have a lot to be thankful for!

--Coach MJ

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Banquet RSVP by 11.10.15

Parents, this will be handed out in practice so you don't have to print it off. Please complete and have your cheer return ASAP, no later than 11.10.15. This will ensure I am ordering enough to feed everyone. Please note that the cheer has been paid for. You are only paying for additional guests beyond your athlete. Thanks. 

You are invited to
The Freshmen/Sophomore Banquet
To honor our Inaugural Team

When: Tuesday, November 17, 2015
6:00pm- 7:30pm
Where: CTHS Cafeteria

Please wear semi-casual or business casual attire. We will serve a full dinner and desert catered by Olive Garden.

Complete the form below and return to Coach Mary Jo Brown NO LATER THAN Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Attach payment as cash or check (made payable to CTHS). The cost per guest will be $15.00. Do not include athlete when totaling payment.

Athlete Name: __________________________________________________
Will Attend 
            ___________ x $15 = ______________ (total amount attached)
            (Number of guests,
excluding athlete)
Will NOT attend

More Exhibition information

This will be printed and handed out to the team today (11.4.15) but I wanted to make sure you knew all the info that I know. If teams are to report between 4 and 5:30, I think that for nerves sake, it would be better to meet at 4:00. That way we can snack, stretch and run through counts before watching JV perform. The last thing I want to do is make everyone more nervous because we are running late. We will then go prepare for our warm up and performance. We will stay and watch Varsity perform. I would like for girls to stay for awards for support. We may be recognized, too, but I am not sure as we aren't competing for a score. Below is another reminder of the schedule.

Centennial League Cheer Championships 2015

Coaches notes:

1. Competitors and coaches should park in the South parking lot (Front Parking Lot closest to the theater and main entrance).  You will then proceed through the main door entrance to check-in. NO spectators will be able to enter through this entrance, only teams. Teams can start checking in at 4:00pm. All teams should check-in by 5:30pm. It is very important that only teams check-in here and follow the signs to registration.

2. Doors for spectators will open at 5:00pm. Please let all spectators know that if they arrive before 5:00pm they will have to wait outside! The cost for entry is $5 for adults and $3 for students.

3. Coaches must check-in at the team table where they will receive coaches’ passes, general information, and schedule. Please do not check-in until your entire team has arrived. A volunteer will then escort your team to their classroom. Family and friends are not allowed upstairs or in the team rooms at any time.

4. The competition will begin at 6:00pm and conclude with awards at 7:20.  JV Teams will face the student side of seating and Varsity will face the normal parent seating for games. Exhibition teams – please look on the attached time schedule to see which way you will be facing.

5. If the varsity team would like to watch their JV team compete they will need to wait outside the gym until their school’s performance. For that performance only they can sit on the floor by the spectator side at the conclusion of the performance they will need to return to their classrooms. The same rules will apply for JV teams watching their Varsity team.

6. At the conclusion of each division (JV & Varsity) teams should meet immediately in the Auxiliary Gym to line-up in order of performance and enter main gym for awards. A judge will meet coaches in the West Gym to review penalty sheets. These will be given to make coaches aware of any possible penalties given.

7. First through third place will be recognized in both divisions.

8. After the awards have been awarded for each division, a judge or tabulator will handout judges sheets and division summaries. Please come to the tabulation table to pick-up your score sheets.

9.  All teams should bring their personal items from the classroom down to the West Gym at 7:00 to line up for the parade of athletes and awards.  Please clean up your classroom area and return desks to original positions before you leave for awards.

NOVEMBER 11, 2015

Warm up                              Perform. Time          School                       Level/Sport

5:25/5:30                               6:03                            Grandview              V Cheers
5:30/5:35                               6:07                            Cherokee Trail         JV Cheers
5:35/5:40                               6:11                            Mullen                       V Cheers
5:40/5:45                               6:15                            Eaglecrest                JV Cheers                                                                                                                                               5:45/5:50                         6:19                            Cherry Creek           V Cheers
           5:50/5:55                               6:23                            *Exhibition-CT          F Cheers
5:55/6:00                               6:27                            Overland                  V Cheers
6:00/6:05                               6:31                            Arapahoe                JV Cheers
6:05/6:10                               6:35                            Eaglecrest                V Cheers
6:10/6:15                               6:39                            Grandview              JV Cheers
6:15/6:20                               6:43                            Cherokee Trail         V Cheers     
6:20/6:25                               6:47                            *Exhibition-EHS        F Cheers
6:25/6:30                               6:51                            Arapahoe                V Cheers
6:30/6:35                               6:55                            Cherry Creek           JV Cheers
6:35/6:40                               6:59                            Smoky Hill                  V Cheers     
6:40/6:45                               7:03                            *Spartans                 Exhibition
7:15                            AWARDS

Thursday, October 22, 2015

remaining schedule

From now on, all practices are REQUIRED if you want to compete. This is not negotiable unless you are vomiting or diarrhea. All appointments must be rescheduled around this. We cannot fully prepare for a large performance missing people. This schedule is not negotiable as we have had to work very hard working with several other sports for this gym time. WE ARE LUCKY TO HAVE GYM TIME so please be flexible with me and sense the urgency in the attendance.

Friday 10.23.15 5:30-6:30. Is the last tumbling practice at UE. We will be wearing black shorts. White shirt. Doing full routine run through. FORMS ARE DUE! PAYMENT IS DUE!

11/2/15, 5-8PM practice with JV, wearing grey shorts and blue shirt.
11/3/15, 3:30-5:00PM with Varsity wearing burgundy shirt and white shorts
11/7/15, 7-9AM practice without another team. Black shorts. White shirt.
11/9/15, 5-8PM with JV wear blue shirt, white shorts
11/10/15, 6-8PM with JV, wear burgundy shirt and blue shorts.
11/11/15, 5-9PM. We will stretch and meet in a classroom. Then do an official warm up at 5:45. We perform at 6:23PM.

11/17/15, 6-7:30, End of season banquet in the cafeteria. All athletes and coaches are paid for. There is a cost for family and friends as I will be catering dinner.  If you have a balance at this time, another payment is due. 

Thank you all. We can get through this season with a great accomplishment. I am already so proud of you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

opening pyramid

Hi team. We will be working on this pyramid today


I want you to think about hitting extension (we have extra bodies as extra spots/front spot) and if we have to water down to elevator, we can. Learning the opening stunt concludes learning the routine. We will venture forward putting it all together and perfecting what we can.

See you today!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cheer words

CT XX HS XX Go X Big X Blue
retake CT (clap, clap) arms pinned HS (clap, clap).
Low touchdown, daggers, right arm punch

CT XX HS XX Go X Big X Blue
Move to formation XX Low touchdown, daggers, right arm punch

CT XX HS XX Go X Big X Blue
Front row low –V, Back Row high-V. Low touchdown, daggers, right arm punch

Fans X make two sides
High-V, clap, cross, broken-t, T.

Stand up & show your pride, yell
Help onto shoulder sit. (clap out show your pride)
(two girls get signs)

Cougars XX Cougars XX
Right Half H-V. clap clap. Right half high-v.
Raise sign as you say cougars. Hit sign on knee instead of clap. Raise sign again.

Fans X on this side now,
Dismount shoulder sits.
OR Hitting left hand high-v on “this side”

Stand up and yell it loud, yell
Dip on stand up. Clap out yell it loud

Nation XX Nation XX
left Half H-V. clap clap. left half high-v.
Raise sign as you say nation. Hit sign on knee instead of clap. Raise sign again.

Put it all together, yell
Cougar XX Nation
Right Half H-V. clap clap. left half high-v
Cougar XX Nation
Right Half H-V. clap clap. left half high-v
Cougar XX Nation
Right Half H-V. clap clap. left half high-v

Go X Big X Blue
Transition with claps

We Are XX CT, YEA!

Be in spot for dance by “we” clap and on yea, arms pinned, head down

Sunday, October 11, 2015

10.11.15 and update about remaining season. updated 10.12.15 7:50am

**If I contacted you regarding physicals or online paperwork, this must be done asap or you will be taken out if the routine. No exceptions!

**We cheered our last football game and Thursday is our last volleyball game. Thank you to all parents for snacks and thanks to our team mom for organizing it.

**This week's schedule:
10-12-15: practice 3:30-5:30 free dress.
10-13-15: practice 3:30-5:30 wear blue shirt grey shorts
10-15-15: **captains choose what to wear at school** cheer at varsity volleyball game. Rally uniform no liner Arrive at 5:30 pick up around 8
10-16-15: tumbling 5:30-6:30. Wear black shorts burgundy shirt

**The rest of the season has about 9 more practices unless we, as a team, add some during fall break. Our last day of tumbling will be Friday October 23rd. The schedule is accurate so check it!

**We will perform our routine at league on 11-11-15 at Eaglecrest High school. Times of performances have been released: Please arrive by 5:00pm. Pick up NO LATER than 8:00pm. We will have a classroom in EHS for our belongings. Please know we are not ordering the shirt as a team, so all orders are due to Grandview by 10/25/2015. If you turn in your money and order form to me by 10/23/2015, I will turn it in for you. Otherwise, purchase on own accord. WE WILL COMPETE IN OUR RALLY UNIFORMS, GAME BOW, BLUE SPANX, NO SHOW WHITE SOCKS! HAIR WILL BE ALL UP IN A HIGH PONTAIL, MAKEUP PERFORMANCE READY. If you are not competing, please come in warmups (assuming they will be in) and burgundy shirt. Hair all up in game bow. 

NOVEMBER 11, 2015

Warm up                        Perform. Time        School                  Level/Sport

5:25/5:30                               6:03                            Grandview              V Cheers
5:30/5:35                               6:07                            Cherokee Trail         JV Cheers
5:35/5:40                               6:11                            Mullen                       V Cheers
5:40/5:45                               6:15                            Eaglecrest                JV Cheers                                                                                                                                               5:45/5:50                         6:19                            Cherry Creek           V Cheers
            5:50/5:55                               6:23                            *Exhibition-CT          F Cheers
5:55/6:00                               6:27                            Overland                  V Cheers
6:00/6:05                               6:31                            Arapahoe                JV Cheers
6:05/6:10                               6:35                            Eaglecrest                V Cheers
6:10/6:15                               6:39                            Grandview              JV Cheers
6:15/6:20                               6:43                            Cherokee Trail         V Cheers      
6:20/6:25                               6:47                            *Exhibition-EHS        F Cheers
6:25/6:30                               6:51                            Arapahoe                V Cheers
6:30/6:35                               6:55                            Cherry Creek           JV Cheers
6:35/6:40                               6:59                            Smoky Hill                 V Cheers     
6:40/6:45                               7:03                            *Spartans                  Exhibition
7:15                      AWARDS

**ALL GIRLS WHO HAVE BEEN ON THE TEAM SINCE APRIL, should have their bill paid in full by October 23rd. Statements will be handed out.

**ALL GIRLS WHO HAVE BEEN ON THE TEAM SINCE AUGUST, another installment is due October 23rd. Statements will be handed out. I will continue to follow up monthly through you athlete in class. Please remember you have until January.

**One more fundraiser: Yankee candles. Details to come. Order forms will be dispersed at practice.

**Our season will officially be over as of Thursday the 12th. We do not need to sign up or pay for winter seasons.

**We will have a team banquet before thanksgiving break and we will have a separate day for rented equipment return such as poms and the burgundy uniform.

**I encourage you all to maintain your skills through private tumbling sessions or structured class. Elite also my have some stunt clinics but I am not sure.

**You are all still encouraged to attend games, competitions, and JV and Varsity state championships. You will be expected to continue your school spirit and high leadership. If you are wearing anything cheer related, it is required you act respectful, kind, mature, and appropriate.

**Tryouts for the 2016-17 squads will be in April 2016.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Today practice at Fox Ridge from 4-6pm wearing white shirt and black shorts pibk bow. Meet in lower commons at 3:45 and walk over as a team.

**Butterbraids in at 6pm

10-9-15: tumbling 5:30-6:30 wearing blue shirt burgundy shorts pink bow

10-10-15: freshmen football game 8:45-11. Wear pink bow, rally uniform with liner bring poncho, "warm ups" and poms

10-12-15: practice 3:30-5:30 free dress.

10-13-15: practice 3:30-5:30 wear blue shirt grey shorts

10-15-15: **captains choose what to wear at school** cheer at varsity volleyball game. Rally uniform no liner Arrive at 5:30 pick up around 8

10-16-15: tumbling 5:30-6:30. Wear black shorts burgundy shirt

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9-15-15 update with schedule and what to wear

T: 9-15-15: Study Hall from 3-3:30
                             3:30-4:30 get ready for pictures
                             4:30-5:30 team photos
W: 9-16-15: 6:30-7:30 captains only Athletic anti-bullying meeting. dinner provided. 
F: 9-18-15: 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE. wear white shirt. burgundy shorts. any bow. 

M: 9-21-15:  To school wear your rally uniform without liner. blue spanx. game bow. bring 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in burgundy uniform. burgundy spanx. game bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs.Smoky Hill HS.4-7pm Football game. wear rally uniform with liner, game bow. 
T: 9-22-15: 3:30-5:30 Possible Practice free dress.
Th: 9-24-15: To school wear jeans and blue shirt. white bow. **BRING RALLY UNIFORM, blue spanx, cheer shoes, liner, poncho, poms, water, snack. 
Freshmen football game followed by Varsity volleyball. Dinner will be provided. 
F: 9-25-15: 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE. wear burgundy shirt. white shorts, burgundy spanx. 
 Butterbraid orders due. PAYMENT DUE FOR ALL WITH A BALANCE.

M: 9-28-15: To school wear your burgundy shirts and jeans. hair any way. if you wear it up, game bow. 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in burgundy uniform. burgundy spanx. game bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs. Eaglecrest HS.
T: 9-29-15: 3:30-5:30: practice. Wear blue shirt. white shorts. blue spanx under shorts. White bow. 
F: 10-2-15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling. Wear burgundy shorts. White shirt. any bow.

M: 10-5-15: TBD what to wear to school. 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in rally uniform. blue spanx. PINK bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs. Cherry Creek HS.
T: 10-6-15: 3:30-5:30 practice: wear burgundy shirt and blue shorts. PINK bow. 
F: 10-6-15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE. blue shirt. burgundy shorts.  PINK bow. 
S: 10-10-15: 8:30-11:00am Freshmen A game vs. Grandview HS at Legacy Stadium. Wear Rally Uniform (no liner but bring it), blue spanx, with PINK bow. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9.9.15 updated on 9.10.15


We are currently working on getting our Butter Braid fundraiser rolling!  It will hopefully go from September 10th-25th.  Butter Braids are usually a HUGE hit with families as fall sets in. They are super yummy and therefore very easy to sell! Cost is $12, profit is $5 per butter braid sold. 

We will add another yankee candle fundraiser in October so standby for details when I get them. 
 Homecoming is WELL underway.  Just hold on for a wild last few days!  There ARE changes to the schedule for next week.

Upcoming schedule:

Fri, Sep 11:  HOMECOMING!!!!! Wear burgundy uniforms, blue briefs, no liner, cheer shoes, white bow to school. Bring the following:
-body liner
-bring rally uniform
-warmups or something navy or burgundy sweatshirt or sweatpants

100% attendance is required day
3-3:30 Run through for spacing on field with POM and Pizza for all three teams
3:30-4:00 Get ready for the freshmen game and finish eating pizza
4:00-5:15 cheer freshmen game

5:45  ALL TEAMS   Meet in the gym for final run through of halftime and warm up
6:30 Head to the field!
7:00:  Kickoff!!!

Sat, Sep 12:  FITNESS FESTIVAL.  Meet at CCHS at 7:45am.  We will likely be done around 9:30 but we are not allowed to leave until the district releases us.  I will get you out of there as fast as I possibly can so you can get ready for homecoming.  Please don't get antsy - this is out of my hands. ALL cheerleaders must attend the fitness festival - it is NOT part of your community service.

Monday 9-14-15: Meet at 5pm wearing rally uniforms. football game at 6pm
Tuesday 9-15-15: Study Hall from 3-3:30
                             3:30-4:30 get ready for pictures
                             4:30-5:30 team photos
Wednesday 9-16-15: 6:30-7:30 captains only Athletic anti-bullying meeting. dinner provided. 
Friday 9-18-15: 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE
Monday 9-21-15: 4-7pm Football game. wear burgundy uniforms. game bow.
Tuesday 9-22-15: 3:30-5:30 Possible Practice
Thursday 9-24-15: Freshmen football game followed by Varsity volleyball. Dinner will be provided. 
Friday 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE. Butterbraid orders due. PAYMENT DUE FOR ALL WITH A BALANCE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Game check list

Wear burgundy uniforms with cheer shoes. Make sure your bra isn't showing.

1. Poms
2. Body liner
3. Water
4. Snack
5. Warm ups (jacket and pants)


Navy or burgundy sweatshirt and sweats

6. Bow if you have it
7. Bring rally uniforms

Have conservative makeup.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

9.2.15 updated!

Homecoming chaos has begun and stress levels increase. Please remind each other that we are new at this, we are a strong team, and we are learning at a great rate. Yesterday's chaotic practice was over whelming. Please remember:

1. JV and Varsity has been practicing as a full team since April with very minor additions.
2. They performed as a team at camp this summer together
3. You have practiced a TOTAL of 5 times, let alone most of you new to the sport
4. YOU ARE DOING MUCH BETTER THAN YOU THINK. Remember to be patient with yourselves. Ask clarifying questions.

I have added a practice based on the vote the team decided on yesterday. Please be here at 7am Saturday morning. Please be awake and eat first. 7am on a Saturday is yucky, but you picked it... I fully support the initiative and am proud of you for asking and recognizing the commitment for such an early homecoming. We will be practicing both inside and outside. I want to use the open gym space to practice the stunts and for you to be spacial aware on the field.
Call with concerns, discrepancies, or conflicts. I have offered to have some bring younger siblings if necessary. Make sure you are communicating with each other for a ride as needed.

Dressing for homecoming week: Please remember that as a leader in the building, it is highly encouraged you cress up each day. Please remember our athletic handbook and student handbook rules on appropriate dress. COVER THE B's: boobs, belly, and butt.  I will be a little more kind in telling you to cover up than deans or admin, but this conversation should not have to occur.

Upcoming schedule:
9/4/15: CT COMFY DAY. Wear PJs or comfy clothes. UE: 5:30-6:30
9/5/15: 7-9AM practice
9/7/15: No contact/Holiday. No game or practice.
9/8/15: *change in dress: jeans and cougar nation shirt. White bow. Bring blue shorts for hall spirit. You will be excused from class at 1:30 to pracrice for homecoming with jv, varsity, and poms in the field and do spirit in the halls if CT.  Practice 3:30-6:00pm --- extended the time to avoid adding a practice. STUDY HALL REQUIREMENTS BEGIN.
9/9/15: Support our troops day: wear military or red, white, blue.
9/10/15: Wizard of Oz day:
               Freshmen: wear yellow for yellow brick road
               Sophomores: wear ruby red for Dorthy's slippers
9/11/15: change in dress: wear rally unifom (no liner) and WHITE BOW. Bring all game day attire:
               -liner for under the rally 
               -briefs/spanx. (will receive before game day)
               -white bow (will receive before game day)
               -poms. (if new ones do not come in on time, I will issue the rented ones from the cage)
               -warm ups. (if not all come in on time, please bring ANY SWEATS/ SWEATSHIRTS/JACKETS in a navy color)
               -shoes (fingers crossed they are here on time)
               -WHITE no show socks
               -lots of water!
               -snack, I think dinner will be provided
** you will not be permitted to leave once we have gathered at 3:30pm for the game. If you forget something, you will sit out until someone can bring it to you. 
9/12/15: We no longer have a game, so we will be at the Fitness Festival:This is at Cherry Creek High School, address is on the calendar. Arrive at 7:30am. Wear burgundy uniforms, hair half up/half down with white bow. We will be done around 9am so you have time to rest and get ready for the dance. We all MUST be there as this is a district sponsored event. Plan your appointments for hair/makeup accordingly. This is a good time to remind you that acrylic nails are NOT ALLOWED for safety reasons as well as CHSAA sanctioned rule. If I see them, as pretty and expensive as they are, you will have to remove them and I will make you sit out until it is done.

Academic ineligibility: As we begin our season with games and performances, please remember that grades in the classroom determine the success of you on the team. You must be eligible to participate. Remain proactive with communication in what you need. Attend homework club/study hall to get things done and seek out help. Remember, if you do not sign in and out, I will mark you as NOT attending. Use this time wisely. Be professional in your study hall behavior. This effects everything.

Continue to ask questions. Communication with me and your family is key.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

8.21.15 Fundraising info


They cost $5 and come preloaded with the $5 amount. An Athlete can ask for as many as she would like. You can get them for you, family members, or choose to sell them. Here is how they work:
-You receive the card pre-loaded with the $5
-The card is assigned specific serial numbers that are associated with each athlete who purchases it.
-The consumer will then load money on to the card prior to purchasing gas or groceries.
-When you go to pay for your gas or groceries, you then use the card as the form of payment.

-5% of the total purchase will then be credited the athlete’s account.

FUNDRAISING OPTION 2: Community support form

Download the pictures below or ask Coach for hard copies, to ask community members to support CTHS cheer:

This opportunity will allow your Business Name to reach thousands of people by the use of Website Visibility, Banners, Programs and other Media.

ADVERTISING: Generate NEW SALES with Banners that Appeal to Potential Customers.
AFFORDABLE: Choose from a Varity of Support Levers, whichever is the Best for you.
DEDUCTIBLE: We are a 501(C)(3) NON-PORFIT Organization. Your Support is TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
SUPPORT: Your Support will Financially Aid & Supplement Cherokee Trails High School Athletes.

There will be more options later as we did several other fundraisers this summer. Please be patient as we coordinate with fundraising companies for best options for the program and the cheerleaders.