09/10 Cheer Calendar

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9-15-15 update with schedule and what to wear

T: 9-15-15: Study Hall from 3-3:30
                             3:30-4:30 get ready for pictures
                             4:30-5:30 team photos
W: 9-16-15: 6:30-7:30 captains only Athletic anti-bullying meeting. dinner provided. 
F: 9-18-15: 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE. wear white shirt. burgundy shorts. any bow. 

M: 9-21-15:  To school wear your rally uniform without liner. blue spanx. game bow. bring 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in burgundy uniform. burgundy spanx. game bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs.Smoky Hill HS.4-7pm Football game. wear rally uniform with liner, game bow. 
T: 9-22-15: 3:30-5:30 Possible Practice free dress.
Th: 9-24-15: To school wear jeans and blue shirt. white bow. **BRING RALLY UNIFORM, blue spanx, cheer shoes, liner, poncho, poms, water, snack. 
Freshmen football game followed by Varsity volleyball. Dinner will be provided. 
F: 9-25-15: 5:30-6:30: Tumbling at UE. wear burgundy shirt. white shorts, burgundy spanx. 
 Butterbraid orders due. PAYMENT DUE FOR ALL WITH A BALANCE.

M: 9-28-15: To school wear your burgundy shirts and jeans. hair any way. if you wear it up, game bow. 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in burgundy uniform. burgundy spanx. game bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs. Eaglecrest HS.
T: 9-29-15: 3:30-5:30: practice. Wear blue shirt. white shorts. blue spanx under shorts. White bow. 
F: 10-2-15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling. Wear burgundy shorts. White shirt. any bow.

M: 10-5-15: TBD what to wear to school. 
3-3:30 game prep. be dressed and game ready in rally uniform. blue spanx. PINK bow. poms. cheer shoes. SPORTS BRA! bring poncho and liner. Bring snack and water.
3:30-4:00 meet in commons, walk to field as a team to warm up. 
4:00-6:00 freshmen B game vs. Cherry Creek HS.
T: 10-6-15: 3:30-5:30 practice: wear burgundy shirt and blue shorts. PINK bow. 
F: 10-6-15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE. blue shirt. burgundy shorts.  PINK bow. 
S: 10-10-15: 8:30-11:00am Freshmen A game vs. Grandview HS at Legacy Stadium. Wear Rally Uniform (no liner but bring it), blue spanx, with PINK bow. 

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