09/10 Cheer Calendar

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Good Morning all,

I won't see you again until Wednesday June 3rd from 3:30-5:30; so I wanted to make sure you have all the information needed for the next month:

6/3: practice from 3:30-5:30pm
6/7: 5K Community Service Opportunity
6/9: practice from 6-7:30am
6/10: practice 3:30-5:30
6/12: Day 1 of camp at CTHS 12:00-6:30pm; GIRLS ARRIVE at 10AM, pick up no later than 7PM
                   Girls are welcome/encouraged to coordinate a sleep over or post-camp gathering.
                   Dinner will be provided. Please bring healthy snacks, water, school spirit, water, and                             good attitude to work and learn. We will be getting camp gear prior to camp so we will                       coordinate attire for each day.
6/13: Day 2 of camp at CTHS 9am-4pm; GIRLS ARRIVE at 7:30AM, pick up no later than 4:30PM.
                    Please wear designated attire. Bring water, healthy snacks, and lunch will be provided.
6/16: practice 6-7:30am
6/17: practice 3:30-5:30pm

6/19/2015 through 7/12/2015: Post camp break. I urge you to remain active in the sport with practicing the skills learned, tumbling privates as needed, and prepare for August. Please be cautious in activity as injuries can set us back.

I will continue to update you as I receive information. Please continue to "sell" King Soopers cards. I will update you once I receive them to pass them out. Remember they are $5 each. The athlete will receive the profits as the card is used, reloaded, etc.
Please let me know ASAP if you want or need more Rockies tickets. I can provide them now for sale.

As always, contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you. Good luck on finals. Study hard.

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