09/10 Cheer Calendar

Monday, July 27, 2015

Required Study Hall

All team members on the 9/10 team are required to attend one (at minimum) study hall in the library from 3:00-3:30 PER WEEK. If your grades are not at an eligible status, you are required to attend three study hall sessions PER WEEK. The options are the following:

Monday: 3-3:30
Tuesday: 3-3:30
Friday: 3-3:30

This is a time to seek help in certain subjects, talk to a teacher (pass with teacher signature required), complete or start homework. 

You are welcome to attend more than one session if you grades are in good standing. 

Sign in and Sign out is required each time you attend. The days you attend, you are permitted to arrive at practice at 3:45pm to ensure you are studying for the full 30 minutes, then change for practice at 3:30pm. 

Here is a sample schedule:

2:44pm: Class is out. Go to locker, get a snack, use the restroom, etc. 
3:00pm-3:30pm: in the library studying. Make sure you sign in. See a teacher not in the library. Have them sign indicating you met with them. 
3:30-3:45pm: change and use restroom for practice
3:45-5:00: at practice, ready to work, etc. 

Please ask if you have questions regarding your required commitment. 

7.27.15 UPDATED on 7.31.15

Hi all, 

Here are a few things to know if the up-coming week:

1. For the remind101 for those if you who have not signed up, text in a message:@ct9cheerThe phone number is 81010

2. Make sure you are registered with CT Athletics:If you have a copy of your physical, please include that for our athletic office. If you have already turned your copy in for tryouts and you need a copy, please let me know ASAP. The deadline for this registration is Monday, August 3, 2015. 

Here is a quick link to CTHS Athletic page for the registration information. http://cherokeetrail.cherrycreekschools.org/Athletics/Pages/AthleticForms.aspx

3. Schedule
7.31.15, Friday: tumbling 5:30-6:30 at UE
   I will not be at tumbling due to CHSAA/CHSCA rules clinic and training. Please be on time and ready to work as hard as you have been. I will get a full report from the coaches there. WEAR white shorts. Blue shirt. Any bow. 

Starting Monday August 3rd, regular practices begin for the season, according to the CHSAA rules. Therefore, all excused/unexcused practice rules will be strictly enforced. See the rulebook and other post for more information. 

8.4.15, Tuesday: 6:45-9:30am New Teacher Welcome. Wear RALLY uniform, game bow, bring poms! Breakfast is provided. 

8.5.15, Wednesday 7:30-11am  sophomores will go through check-in. The following team members will wear RALLY uniform to pass out flyers for tryouts: 

8.6.15: 7:30 - 11am Freshmen will go through check-in . The following team members will wear RALLY uniform and pass our tryout flyers:

8.6.15: 12-3 pm: The following team members will pass out flyers to juniors:

If you cannot make it, you must do a shift trade with another teammate. You must check in with Coach MJ at the first table when arriving and check out before leaving. 

8.7.15: 5:30-6:30 tubling at UE

8.10.15: 6-8pm Freshmen and New Family BBQ: all freshmen should attend. No cheer attire required. Attendance is required. Obligation is 30 minutes. 

8.12.15: 7:10-12:20pm freshmen orientatoin. All freshmen are required to attend. No cheer attire required. 

8.13.15: 7:10-2:44pm first day of school for all grades

8.14.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.17.15. no practice. tryouts

8.18.15: no practice. tryouts

8.21.15: possible 3:30-5:00 practice to introduce new members 
              5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.24.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT
8.25.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT

8.28.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.31.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT

9.1.15: 3:30-5:00 pratice at CT

9.4.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

Please see study hall post for more information about those requirements. 

Attendance rules

The following rules will start to be enforced starting August 3rd!

See full details in CTHS Cheer handbook on our website:

Attendance Expectations:

Athletes are expected to be on time to all scheduled practices and events. On time means you are 5 minutes early. If for some reason you are going to be late, the athlete (not the parent!) must inform the coach by phone-NOT TEXT. Late members will contribute to the team by providing extra athlete team conditioning.

We absolutely CANNOT have a successful practice without everyone present. In cheerleading, there is NO bench. You are always a starter- when you are absent, you not only hurt yourself, but your stunt group, people in formation, and you will miss timing changes that the team worked to improve.

1. Athletes are expected to attend ALL practices from start to finish through the fall and winter season.

2. Athletes are expected to attend ALL scheduled games from start to finish throughout the fall and winter season.

3. Athletes are expected to attend ALL competitive meets from start to finish throughout the fall and winter season. – JV/9th athletes are expected to attend Varsity State; Varsity and parents will work the JV Statemeet held at CTHS.

4. Athletes are expected to attend ALL fundraising events unless the event takes place during the spring season or if the athlete is in a spring sport. (track, soccer, etc.)

5. Athletes should plan to attend a tumbling class or an open gym at least once per week on their OWN TIME OUTSIDE OF REGULAR PRACTICES. We tumble once a week for maintenance, and twice per week for progression. Athletes are expected to get progressively more difficult tumbling skills through the course of their cheering experience. Many of our team tumbling classes are not designed to give you the one-on-one attention you may need to get those progressive skills.

6. Attendance at events and practice during final exams and school breaks fall under these expectations.

Please refer to the academic expectations section of the tryout handbook.


Unfortunately, an excused absence and an unexcused absence translate into the same outcome- the athlete is not in attendance and the team suffers. Absences will be excused based on the following emergencies:

1. Extreme illness (fever above 99, flu, or immediate/currently ongoing stomach/intestinal emergencies.)

2. Religious obligations- please inform Coach as soon as you know when these obligations arise. We will NOT penalize at all for religious holiday obligations so long as we get enough lead time to plan for the absence.

3. Family emergencies- please have a parent contact coach.

4. Wedding, funerals or once-in-a-lifetime events that have reasonable time frames.

5. Athletes may arrive up to 20 minutes late if they have an academic obligation, but only if accompanied by a note from the teacher and only if the coach is notified in advance.

 Unexcused absences are for all other reasons, including but not limited to: No call no show to practices- even for an "excused" reason, driver’s license, birthdays, studying for finals or tests, can’t find a ride, hair appointments, doctor's appointments not related to return-to-play clearance following an injury (schedule these AROUND practices), work, all-star obligations, concerts, oversleeping, not being aware of practice, etc.

If an athlete receives an excused absence, he or she is responsible for learning material taught during the practice missed and gathering all information missed. He or she will NOT be eligible for and quarter performances for the following game/performance planned during the absence. He or she will still remain a member in good standing on the team. Any athlete with excessive excused absences may be suspended from spirit events beyond those listed above. Athletes with chronic excused absences may be dismissed from a team or the competition team. Any athlete with one unexcused absence will be suspended from all parts of games (these will count as no-dress events), for a seven day period. The second unexcused absence will result in a 14 day (no dress) suspension. The third unexcused absence will result in immediate dismissal from the team. For competition purposes, in fairness to the members in a good standing, any athlete who misses a practice "excused" or unexcused" in the SEVEN PRACTICE DAYS prior to competition, will be ineligible to compete
for that event. If an athlete's grades appear at risk to fall ineligible (ex: multiple D's or an F accompanied with a borderline F), coaches reserve the right to pull the athlete to secure the stability of the competition team.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


We are making slow but great progress! You all are working hard and taking corrections.

Friday 7.24.15 at United Elite, wear blue shorts, white shirt, and white bow. Plan for traffic. Please be on time.

Please read the previous post on registration online. It is due August 3rd.

Make sure you are planning ahead. Practice Wednesday the 29th from 3:30-5:30. Elite on Friday the 31st from 5:30-6:30.

I will post details about august ASAP but check the calendar. I am not sure what role we play on new teacher meeting so I'll be looking into that. At this point it is tentative.

I will be making a schedule for check in. You are required to attend one full day only to check yourself in and pass out flyers. So look at the calendar and plan to be there most of the day your class checks in.

Continue asking questions. Call or email!

Its going to be a fun season.

For the remind101 for those if you who have not signed up, text in a message:
The phone number is 81010

Starting in August, I will communicate through blog and reminds a lot so it us important you as an athlete and parent alike are on there getting the messages.

Athletic Registration!

Please fill out the athletic registration ASAP. If you have a copy of your physical, please include that for our athletic office. If you have already turned your copy in for tryouts and you need a copy, please let me know ASAP. The deadline for this registration is Monday, August 3, 2015. 

Here is a quick link to CTHS Athletic page for the registration information. 


Thursday, July 9, 2015


I hope you had a restful break but you were WORKING - weights, running, etc.  You don't get stronger by sitting on the couch (unless it's a rest day.)  If you've taken a some time off, please get back in the swing of things NOW by doing burpees, running, sit ups, v-ups, russian twists, squats, and lunges.  Please do enough reps to make it a work out.  It shouldn't feel good until it's over.

You should have been learning from the cheer link on youtube... there will be a test! No excuses. https://youtu.be/AC_4iOUThCg

A few announcements: 

Parent gear is in!  We will pass it out at the first practice back at CT.

New mats are here!  In order to keep them in good shape, we will be changing the way we transport them through the halls.  Please be prepared for the changes and do not complain.  These mats will be here long after you graduate (our old mats came to CT when some of you were in the 2nd grade! There are 2nd graders who need these mats in good shape when they are 9th graders) and we must make them last.  On a side note, we have the best and safest mats in the league as of this second.  Yay!  If you see Mr. Carpenter, please say thank you.  This was largely funded by the athletics department.  We will also need to have a "mat chucking party" when we move the mats down to Fox Ridge - parents with trucks we will need some help on that transport process. Because 9/10 only purchased outdoor shoes, we must take care of our mats and our shoes so please be aware of how dirty your shoes get once we are outside more... no dirty shoes on the mat and you cannot practice without shoes. 

Please keep apprised to the calendar as a LOT of things are coming up and will sneak up on us very quickly.

I need you to register yourself and sign the waiver for United Elite. Please go to their website: 
And create a new aacount with all the necessary information.


On July 13th, I need all unsold Rockies tickets. If you did not make the effort to sell them, you MUST make the effort to bring them back on MONDAY the 13th. If you do not bring it back by then, you WILL be charged the $50. 

1.  Unsold Rockies Tickets- DUE MONDAY 7/13/15 in the main office. 

2.  All money collected for Rockies Tickets- DUE WED. 7/15/15 at 10am fundraising meeting- this is the SNAP fundraiser meeting that will be 30-45 minutes at 10am. I know if it at an odd hour, but we had to try to accommodate all 55+ cheerleaders on all 3 teams. 

3.  The names of 20 VALID email addresses and phone numbers for our next fundraiser.  Yes, we are soliciting donations.  No, people do not have to donate but in order to maximize our return on donations, ALL cheers MUST participate.- DUE 7/15/15.

4.  I will have cheer balance sheets for you on Wednesday  - they will NOT include King Sooper discounts or Rockies discounts since we won't have them calculated yet.  Please plan to make a payment toward your cheer balance by July 23. - Especially for those who have no paid anything yet. No one has reached out to me regarding aplan, so until I do, this is the expectation for an installment, please. 


Please note we are still only practicing two times a week. Fridays we are strictly tumbling/conditioning as the Elite instructor sees fit. Therefore, we will not tumble on Wednesdays. We will hunker down and prep for football games to come. These will be hard practices as we have a lot to cover with a short schedule. The expectation is that you are doing your own fitness routines outside of practice to remain flexible (so stretch) and cardio/weights for stamina and strength. We will not progress with stunts if we are not getting stronger. Period. 

Thurs, July 9:  OFF
Fri, July 10:  OFF
Sat, July 11:  OFF
Sun, July 12:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 13:  OFF
Tue, July 14:  OFF
Wed, July 15:  MANDATORY MEETING at CT 10am; Practice at CT 3:30-5:30
Thu, July 16:  OFF
Fri, July 17:  practice at ELITE, 5:30-6:30
Sat, July 18:  OFF
Sun, July 19:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 20:  OFF
Tue, July 21:  OFF
Wed, July 22:  
Practice at CT 3:30-5:30
Thu, July 23:  OFF
Fri, July 24:  Practice at ELITE 5:30-6:30
Sat, July 25:  OFF
Sun, July 26:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 27:  OFF
Tue, July 28:  OFF
Wed, July 29:  Practice at CT 3:30-5:30
Thu, July 30:  OFF
Fri, July 31:  Practice at ELITE 5:30-6:30
Sat, Aug 1: OFF
Sun, Aug 2:  NO CONTACT

There will be more information about what is to come in August soon. Please see the previous post about fall tryouts and get your friends to come!

See you soon, ladies.