09/10 Cheer Calendar

Monday, July 27, 2015

Attendance rules

The following rules will start to be enforced starting August 3rd!

See full details in CTHS Cheer handbook on our website:

Attendance Expectations:

Athletes are expected to be on time to all scheduled practices and events. On time means you are 5 minutes early. If for some reason you are going to be late, the athlete (not the parent!) must inform the coach by phone-NOT TEXT. Late members will contribute to the team by providing extra athlete team conditioning.

We absolutely CANNOT have a successful practice without everyone present. In cheerleading, there is NO bench. You are always a starter- when you are absent, you not only hurt yourself, but your stunt group, people in formation, and you will miss timing changes that the team worked to improve.

1. Athletes are expected to attend ALL practices from start to finish through the fall and winter season.

2. Athletes are expected to attend ALL scheduled games from start to finish throughout the fall and winter season.

3. Athletes are expected to attend ALL competitive meets from start to finish throughout the fall and winter season. – JV/9th athletes are expected to attend Varsity State; Varsity and parents will work the JV Statemeet held at CTHS.

4. Athletes are expected to attend ALL fundraising events unless the event takes place during the spring season or if the athlete is in a spring sport. (track, soccer, etc.)

5. Athletes should plan to attend a tumbling class or an open gym at least once per week on their OWN TIME OUTSIDE OF REGULAR PRACTICES. We tumble once a week for maintenance, and twice per week for progression. Athletes are expected to get progressively more difficult tumbling skills through the course of their cheering experience. Many of our team tumbling classes are not designed to give you the one-on-one attention you may need to get those progressive skills.

6. Attendance at events and practice during final exams and school breaks fall under these expectations.

Please refer to the academic expectations section of the tryout handbook.


Unfortunately, an excused absence and an unexcused absence translate into the same outcome- the athlete is not in attendance and the team suffers. Absences will be excused based on the following emergencies:

1. Extreme illness (fever above 99, flu, or immediate/currently ongoing stomach/intestinal emergencies.)

2. Religious obligations- please inform Coach as soon as you know when these obligations arise. We will NOT penalize at all for religious holiday obligations so long as we get enough lead time to plan for the absence.

3. Family emergencies- please have a parent contact coach.

4. Wedding, funerals or once-in-a-lifetime events that have reasonable time frames.

5. Athletes may arrive up to 20 minutes late if they have an academic obligation, but only if accompanied by a note from the teacher and only if the coach is notified in advance.

 Unexcused absences are for all other reasons, including but not limited to: No call no show to practices- even for an "excused" reason, driver’s license, birthdays, studying for finals or tests, can’t find a ride, hair appointments, doctor's appointments not related to return-to-play clearance following an injury (schedule these AROUND practices), work, all-star obligations, concerts, oversleeping, not being aware of practice, etc.

If an athlete receives an excused absence, he or she is responsible for learning material taught during the practice missed and gathering all information missed. He or she will NOT be eligible for and quarter performances for the following game/performance planned during the absence. He or she will still remain a member in good standing on the team. Any athlete with excessive excused absences may be suspended from spirit events beyond those listed above. Athletes with chronic excused absences may be dismissed from a team or the competition team. Any athlete with one unexcused absence will be suspended from all parts of games (these will count as no-dress events), for a seven day period. The second unexcused absence will result in a 14 day (no dress) suspension. The third unexcused absence will result in immediate dismissal from the team. For competition purposes, in fairness to the members in a good standing, any athlete who misses a practice "excused" or unexcused" in the SEVEN PRACTICE DAYS prior to competition, will be ineligible to compete
for that event. If an athlete's grades appear at risk to fall ineligible (ex: multiple D's or an F accompanied with a borderline F), coaches reserve the right to pull the athlete to secure the stability of the competition team.

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