09/10 Cheer Calendar

Monday, July 27, 2015

Required Study Hall

All team members on the 9/10 team are required to attend one (at minimum) study hall in the library from 3:00-3:30 PER WEEK. If your grades are not at an eligible status, you are required to attend three study hall sessions PER WEEK. The options are the following:

Monday: 3-3:30
Tuesday: 3-3:30
Friday: 3-3:30

This is a time to seek help in certain subjects, talk to a teacher (pass with teacher signature required), complete or start homework. 

You are welcome to attend more than one session if you grades are in good standing. 

Sign in and Sign out is required each time you attend. The days you attend, you are permitted to arrive at practice at 3:45pm to ensure you are studying for the full 30 minutes, then change for practice at 3:30pm. 

Here is a sample schedule:

2:44pm: Class is out. Go to locker, get a snack, use the restroom, etc. 
3:00pm-3:30pm: in the library studying. Make sure you sign in. See a teacher not in the library. Have them sign indicating you met with them. 
3:30-3:45pm: change and use restroom for practice
3:45-5:00: at practice, ready to work, etc. 

Please ask if you have questions regarding your required commitment. 

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