09/10 Cheer Calendar

Monday, July 27, 2015

7.27.15 UPDATED on 7.31.15

Hi all, 

Here are a few things to know if the up-coming week:

1. For the remind101 for those if you who have not signed up, text in a message:@ct9cheerThe phone number is 81010

2. Make sure you are registered with CT Athletics:If you have a copy of your physical, please include that for our athletic office. If you have already turned your copy in for tryouts and you need a copy, please let me know ASAP. The deadline for this registration is Monday, August 3, 2015. 

Here is a quick link to CTHS Athletic page for the registration information. http://cherokeetrail.cherrycreekschools.org/Athletics/Pages/AthleticForms.aspx

3. Schedule
7.31.15, Friday: tumbling 5:30-6:30 at UE
   I will not be at tumbling due to CHSAA/CHSCA rules clinic and training. Please be on time and ready to work as hard as you have been. I will get a full report from the coaches there. WEAR white shorts. Blue shirt. Any bow. 

Starting Monday August 3rd, regular practices begin for the season, according to the CHSAA rules. Therefore, all excused/unexcused practice rules will be strictly enforced. See the rulebook and other post for more information. 

8.4.15, Tuesday: 6:45-9:30am New Teacher Welcome. Wear RALLY uniform, game bow, bring poms! Breakfast is provided. 

8.5.15, Wednesday 7:30-11am  sophomores will go through check-in. The following team members will wear RALLY uniform to pass out flyers for tryouts: 

8.6.15: 7:30 - 11am Freshmen will go through check-in . The following team members will wear RALLY uniform and pass our tryout flyers:

8.6.15: 12-3 pm: The following team members will pass out flyers to juniors:

If you cannot make it, you must do a shift trade with another teammate. You must check in with Coach MJ at the first table when arriving and check out before leaving. 

8.7.15: 5:30-6:30 tubling at UE

8.10.15: 6-8pm Freshmen and New Family BBQ: all freshmen should attend. No cheer attire required. Attendance is required. Obligation is 30 minutes. 

8.12.15: 7:10-12:20pm freshmen orientatoin. All freshmen are required to attend. No cheer attire required. 

8.13.15: 7:10-2:44pm first day of school for all grades

8.14.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.17.15. no practice. tryouts

8.18.15: no practice. tryouts

8.21.15: possible 3:30-5:00 practice to introduce new members 
              5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.24.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT
8.25.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT

8.28.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

8.31.15: 3:30-5:00 practice at CT

9.1.15: 3:30-5:00 pratice at CT

9.4.15: 5:30-6:30 tumbling at UE

Please see study hall post for more information about those requirements. 

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